A Lady: Sigh. Agreed.
D: Let’s ignore the fact that we are absent and disappointing bloggers and jump ahead like we didn’t accidentally hiatus for, like, three weeks.
A Lady: Yes! Exactly! Let’s get greedy.
D: AKA wishlisting time. This is the best part of holidays: pretending that it’s not a little sad that I, at nearly thirty years old, am still making wishlists.
A Lady: Plus, the Christmas-adjacent birthdays thing. Was this always a pain for you, or a bonus?
D: Oh, always a bonus. My birthday falls three weeks after Christmas, so I’d take the handwritten list off the fridge, carefully cross off all the things I got, leave the un- acquired gifts on the list, and retitle it “Birthday List”. It was all kinds of efficient.
A Lady: Ooh. That’s so clever. My problem has always been of the eleven days prior variety. No, I never know what I want for either holiday. The more important concern is What Do You Want To Do For Your Birthday, and, to be frank I’ve more or less decided to throw in the towel. People are always writing papers or taking finals or already gone home for break and god I resent the academy sometimes.
ANYWAY. What do we want this year, pray tell?
D: I think I can speak for both trollops here when I say “scotch”. Delicious, gorgeous, expensive scotch.

A Lady: And a pony! A Tom Ford-approved pony!

D: And a first edition of “What Shall I Wear”, of course. One must have a well-selected library, naturally.
A Lady: I could always do with a Rothko and a Twombly.

I saw it at Art Basel Miami and pined for a few minutes. The last copy they had on hand was $160 or so. (Which, crap, I should totally have gotten as an investment because on the site they retail at $250 WTF. Not. Worth. It.)
D: Ooooh. That packaging. Swoon.
(I can’t believe you don’t keep a running wishlist through the year. My acquisitiveness knows no bounds: I have a specific list on my calendar just for Things I’d Like To Have Purchased For Me. Sadly, the list only gets longer, not shorter ever. Magpie tendencies.)
A Lady: (I mean, I did, for a hot second, have a running email I was sending to myself to keep track of everything I wanted, but then present time came around and I, um, forgot about it. Because what’s more fun than making life difficult for everyone?)
D: Passive-aggression is everyone's favorite gift.
A Lady: Another thing I could use, since Boswell ate mine, is a new pair of ballet flats. (The
Delmans are dead, long live the cheaper version?) Like these, but in my size.


We are so easy to buy gifts for, really.
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